EAGLE: Where our business helps your Business Soar!!
Are you looking for solutions to business or sales problems? With 19 years of business experience Brandon has worked with dozens of industries to create lasting solutions and ways to succeed and created Eagle Consulting to help businesses with his expertise to
SOAR like an EAGLE.
SOAR like an EAGLE.
How we work
The business world changes constantly. For companies to remain competitive, they need to be more nimble than ever. But identifying and creating organizational change is never easy. That's where our team of experts comes in. We have the ability to access your company's leadership and their roles to ensure that they are leading effectively. We also have sales training available from one day Workshops, monthly focal training, up to yearly sales improvement courses. Each situation (and company) is unique. One-size-fits-all approaches will never help your business reach its full potential. Custom solutions take advantage of opportunities that your competitors can't. That's what we deliver to you. We focus on building winning temas, and making ever department, person, and action can be better. We review the morale, psychology of the team, how competent the managment is to employees, and much more. We have had success in many industries and would love to work with your business today!
Everyone Achieves Greatness by Leading Excellence. "Yes, I am an Eagle Scout that earned all but one Merit Badge in Scouting, and dozens of awards as well as honors in scouting, but this has a deeper significance for me. My great-grandfather was adopted into the Blackfoot tribe and called Brandon Running Eagle and later Chief Running Eagle when he was in charge of many groups and programs because he loved to run and always soared above others. He told stories of when a Chief would send young me off upon a journey to discover who they are and how the would affect the world. They were instructed to climb the mountain until they came to the top and then bring back and item or relic to remind the of the journey. The Chief knew that when these young men would come back from their journey they would have seen many more mountains and have a desire to help his fellow man reach for the sun's rays to warm them, and know that they had the strength to do anythin gthat was ever needed as they walked down the path of life." This story has been at the root of Brandon's success ever since.
Workshop & Training Options
Two hour overviews- Designed to be short, solution based, and overview of the subjects being taught.
Half Day Workshops- Are broken down into modules for the participants and include workbooks, along with real life applications and solutions.
Full Day Seminars- These are great for not only finding solutions, applications, solutions, and other event highlights, but motivation and practice.
Multi- Day Events- The events are designed around modules, break out sessions, role play, and practice with real life situations, in conjunction with workbooks, case studies, and other applicable materials.
Individual Coaching and Implementation- Coaching sessions will not only improve performance but have access to broad spectrum of solutions and resources of the coaches and enhanced delivery.
8 & 12 week implementation programs- This is the culmination of all the trainings and personal implementation through coaching and real life application. Call for more details.
Half Day Workshops- Are broken down into modules for the participants and include workbooks, along with real life applications and solutions.
Full Day Seminars- These are great for not only finding solutions, applications, solutions, and other event highlights, but motivation and practice.
Multi- Day Events- The events are designed around modules, break out sessions, role play, and practice with real life situations, in conjunction with workbooks, case studies, and other applicable materials.
Individual Coaching and Implementation- Coaching sessions will not only improve performance but have access to broad spectrum of solutions and resources of the coaches and enhanced delivery.
8 & 12 week implementation programs- This is the culmination of all the trainings and personal implementation through coaching and real life application. Call for more details.
Our Commitment to Results
We know the challenges businesses face today. Our consultants have been in your shoes. They're past owners and operators of businesses in all regions of the world and every industry you can imagine.
We have a wide variety of team building and leadership training workshops. Focusing on team delivery, motivating the workforce, how to recognize and work with other personalities to improve performance in the workforce, presenting-selling- and closing sales; customer relationships and many more.
When we work with you, we roll up our sleeves and become your business partner. Our success is measured by the success of your company. That's why we invest whatever resources are needed to get and keep your business on the right track. We guarantee for every dollar invested in our training that it will result in two dollars returned on investment.
We have a wide variety of team building and leadership training workshops. Focusing on team delivery, motivating the workforce, how to recognize and work with other personalities to improve performance in the workforce, presenting-selling- and closing sales; customer relationships and many more.
When we work with you, we roll up our sleeves and become your business partner. Our success is measured by the success of your company. That's why we invest whatever resources are needed to get and keep your business on the right track. We guarantee for every dollar invested in our training that it will result in two dollars returned on investment.
Call Brandon Now to see his solution for you! 801-317-9412
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Copyright © 2013-2021 Brandon Kelly, TheBrandonKelly.com, EAGLE Consulting All Rights Reserved last updated 2/26/2021